Summer 2024 Poster Information

Deadline to submit: May 1st, 2024
Please submit electronically to: Katie Roddy and Andrea Corujo Rodriguez (Co-chairs of GSA Programs and Education Committee)
[email protected]
[email protected]                                     


The word count for the abstracts is 4000 characters or less (including any figures or tables) and must be submitted as a word document. Up to three figures or tables may be included. Each figure or table will be counted as 300 characters.  The format should include embedded figures as a pdf/jpeg in the word document or including the figures in a power point presentation. Any financial support or conflicts of interest must be disclosed.


APPLICATION - All those who wish to present a poster at the GSA Summer Meeting must submit an abstract application detailing their project. All material must be the work of the authors listed and appropriately referenced. Applicants must fill out all required submissions fields, which include the following: 

1. Poster Category (see below) 
2. Title: 
3. Author List: 
4. Learning Objectives: 
        At least three objectives are required; up to five may be entered
5. Research description or case description and summary.

POSTER Categories:

1. Original Scientific Research (Including Literature Review) - Report of study findings that has not been previously published. Students may submit research from basic clinical science in areas such as drug disposition, anesthesia equipment, monitoring and engineering technology, information and database research, patient safety and practice management, regional anesthesia and acute pain. For the Literature Review - A comprehensive review of current research on a relevant clinical topic in the field of anesthesiology. The review presentation must include an introduction on the topic, a summary of the results, and the conclusions of the studies. In addition, the poster should evaluate the articles’ components including methods, statistical analysis and the application of such knowledge in clinical anesthesia practice. All articles and evidence should be appropriately referenced. 

2. Medically Challenging Cases – Report and discuss the management of an interesting or challenging case. This will provide an opportunity to share experiences, examine why decisions were made, and review the lessons from difficult situations.


Once cases and abstracts are received, they will be reviewed by the GSA Programs and Education Committee. The goal is to create a dynamic and engaging event that encourages active participation. The committee received a historically higher number of submissions in 2023 and anticipates similar volumes this cycle. Thus, accommodations have been made to allow for an increased number of presentations. The majority of presentations will be given on large screens/video monitors throughout the meeting (electronic poster format - 8 minutes, including audience questions). The top 3 submissions will be selected to deliver a podium presentation (standard PowerPoint format - 10 minutes, including audience questions). GSA membership is not required for submission.